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I've always been the active type, never one to sit on the sidelines. Right out of high school, I took that energy and channeled it into serving our country as a Military Policeman in the U.S. Marines. Talk about a crash course in discipline and resilience! 


​In my late 20s, I pivoted and became a personal trainer. Why? Because I'm obsessed with empowering people to live their best lives, especially when it comes to health and wellness. But let's cut to the chase: it was my own frustrating journey through perimenopause that lit a fire under me. I was appalled by the lack of support and contradictory information out there for women like us.  â€‹


So here I am, armed with experience, passion, and a no-nonsense approach to guide you through this roller coaster called perimenopause. Trust me, if I can navigate the chaos of military life and the maze of personal fitness, we can sure as hell tackle perimenopause together.  



 Let's do this, Unapologetic Ladies!

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